Monday, October 11, 2010

Random thoughts of procrastination

My desk has more rocks on it than anything else.

Why is it so hot in October? I dislike this weather.

What are you supposed to wear for an interview to a geology school? I feel like business clothes are not appropriate for geology, but then you should dress up for an interview.

When is the next GT Observatory night? Did I already miss it?

How am I supposed to remember 35 notecards worth of test material?

Grad school... where to go? No one ever replies to my emails. Except for the guy at UTK. He's super awesome at replying. Can I get into CU Boulder without talking to any professors first?

Why are the GTPD such jerks? And why are they so creepy? I mean, why would you sneak up behind some innocent pedestrian in your cop car, and surprise them with a loud "BEEP!"? And why do they feel the need to set off their alarms at 3 in the morning for no reason?

I didn't realize Bruno Mars was so short until I saw him on SNL. They really fool you in the videos.

I don't want to study, but I guess I will..... maybe...........

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