Saturday, October 2, 2010


Right now, I am feeling just that, nostalgia. A desire to go back in time, to go to where I once was. A need for a rewind button. Maybe it has something to do with the cool weather...

A chilly breeze reminds me of wandering around Queenstown and Christchurch aimlessly. Drinking tea reminds me of the night in Te Anau where my friend and I sat by a cozy fire and worked on our module assignments, sipping chai and sharing good conversation.

The clear fall sky reminds me of panoramas of wide open spaces fringed with mountains in Colorado. Watching picturesque sunsets with rainbows of color outside my window only remind me of the evenings spent in Colorado watching the sunset change from color to color. The nights spent braving the cold for the smallest bit of contact with the outside world.

I want so much to go back...

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